
Breastfeeding Checklist

We like to remind "our moms" that each breastfeeding experience is unique. What worked for your friends may be very different than what works for you. We urge you to come in and have an individualized lactation consult so you can achieve your personal breastfeeding goals. We have turned many situations around! If you are local and need help, call to schedule an in person consultation with our expert staff. Phone consults consultations are also available. Call now!
Read some of our testimonials.

Helpful Resources:
Quick link to helpful Breastfeeding Websites
Infant Risk Center for Medication Questions



Breast Pump
Rental or Purchase
Breastpump Accessory Parts
Breastpump Cleaning Supplies
Extra Set of Parts

Nursing Bras

2 Regular Bras
2 Sleep Bras

Nursing PJ's

Nursing Nightgown (get something new for the hospital!)
Nursing Pajama Set

Nursing Apparel

2 Tanks
2 Tops

Breastmilk Storage

Breastmilk Storage Bags
Breastmilk Freezing Trays

Comfort for Sore Breasts and Nipples

Breastshells for Sore Nipples
Nipple Shield
Nipple Creams
Hydrogel Pads
Shower Hug
Lilypadz Wash
Warm/Cool Packs

Supports and Undergarments

Compression Top
Back/Abdominal Support

Nursing Pads

1 or 2 Boxes of Disposable Pads
1-2 package washable pads


Cleanwell Foam Sanitizer
Cleanwell Purse Sanitizer

Cleaning Supplies

Brush to clean out pump bottles
Dapple Dishwashing Liquid
Microwave Steam Sterilizer Bags
Microwave Sterilizer
Sterilizing Wipes for Pump Parts


Breastfeeding Tracking Journal
Breastfeeding Book
The Baby Book by William Sears
The Milk Memos-Book-(great back to work book)
Nursing Bracelet